Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Super Secret Secret Agents - 33

Super Secret Secret Agents- 33
Authentication: The Alices sent all of the important information on the document, but only after the Bobs received it and typed KAT into the document in the same box to tell the Alices that they had received the box.
Points on best round: 9 points on February 15th, 2018
Key System: Public Key used and Secret Numbers for Diffie Hellman. We posted our p and g on the board.

Encryption/Decryption: We used Diffie Hellman for everything and put our encrypted numbers on the document. Once the box got to the Bobs they didn’t send it back to the Alices until they opened the box.

Da Wabbits- 20

 We authenticated our code by writing the code in a place no one would suspect it would be, which was at the bottom of the box in pencil. We would know that the Bob’s had touched our box when we saw that are fake code had been erased. Since the code was on the back, nothing was changed.
We earned the most points on the last day. We earned 15 points. A key reason why we earned 15 points on the last day is that we created a code that was so unusual that no one thought of it. Our code wasn’t much but it actually turned out to be so simple that it was complicated. All we did for our code was write it under a sticker on the bottom of the box and on the top we would write random stuff to act like a code. On the day we earned a large amount of points which was 15 points we were also able to crack another team's code by stealing an EDN and learning the code
We had a secret key system. We weren’t able to incorporate the Diffie-Hellman into our strategy because no everybody understood it, but towards the end we had created a code that almost proved to be more effective than the Diffie-Hellman besides the fact that you got bonus points for using the Diffie-Hellman.
Our team was able to work together pretty well, we were able to share ideas with ease without disruption. Everyone could share their ideas and as a group we would combine them for one idea. If we would play this game again I think we would be able to earn even more points than we did the first time without a doubt.

Deciphering Divas-12 pts.

     Our best protocol, surprisingly, was a color code. It was supposed to be a fake code to fool the other teams, but ended up working. This code is simple, meaning it was just every number was assigned a color, but it ended up giving us the most points. We received 6 points using this code.
Image result for rainbow     Code:
  • Green = 0
  • Purple =1
  • Red = 2
  • Blue = 3
  • Pink = 4
  • Yellow = 5
  • Gold = 6
  • Silver = 7
  • Orange = 8
  • Black = 9

     We used a private key because each group member had the key and nobody else had the key. So it was private because only six people knew about it instead of a lot more. 
     Although, on the last day, we used the code above to earn 9 points in total. 3 of those points were from hacking, and the other 6 were from that code.


Enigma 2 ~ 21

Enigma 2 ~ 21 Points
By: Emma Eisenhauer, Nicole Sichel, Miles Taylor,
Jonathan Ram, Eshaan Gandhi, and Nick Rinala

Our box was never supposed to come back to Alice, so if it did we would
know that the Eves messed with it. The Bobs would know if the Eves had
messed with it because there should be nothing on the whiteboard, so if
there was the Eves had messed with it. Also, it didn't matter if there was
something on the whiteboard because we put everything on the

Our code
We used the Diffie Hellman Exchange. Below is our system that we used on
the last day. Image result for alice bob and eve

Diffie Hellman Exchange
  1. Alice gets box
  2. Alice tells Mrs. Carr to write the p: and g: on the spreadsheet.
  3. Bob writes the p: and g: down on a piece of paper and tells Mrs. Sopko to
  4. delete the p: and g: (so the Eves don’t know what it is.)
  5. Alice works out the math and gets a number.
  6. Alice tells Mrs. Carr to write the number on the spreadsheet.
  7. Bob writes down Alice’s number and tells Mrs. Sopko to delete the number.
  8. Bob works out the math and gets a number.
  9. Bob tells Mrs. Sopko to write his number on the spreadsheet.
  10. Alice writes down Bob’s number and tells Mrs. Carr to delete the number.
  11. Alice does the math to get a secret key while Bob does the same math.
  12. Alice puts the 3 digit key (the encrypted one) on the spreadsheet.
  13. Bob tells Mrs. Sopko to delete it once it is written down.
  14. Alice locks the box, switches the numbers on the lock around, writes
  15. nothing on the whiteboard, and sends it.
  16. When Bob gets the box he will get the post-it note out of the box and use
  17. the method to open the box.

Highest Point Gain
Image result for key clipartWe made our highest point gain on the last day. That day we started at
9 points before we started working with Diffie Hellman. With
Diffie Hellman, we made 12 points on the last day.

Our Key System
Our key system was public. We did Diffie Hellman and used the
spreadsheet to help us. The spreadsheet also allowed us to be more
efficient and authenticated. Also, the Eves couldn’t add to the
spreadsheet to mess us up, so it was safe.

The Box Openers- 15

The Box Openers- 15 Points

By: Sophia, Sharon, Lexi, Declan, Gus, Euan, and Pearce


Our team authenticated our messages by putting our initials in our code in the bottom left corner. We wrote our initials in our code so unless another team had our EDN it would be very hard for them to guess it.


We earned the most points on the first day. We earned 9 points that day- 6 from the Eves and 3 from opening our own box.

Key System

On our best day, we used a secret key system for our code. For the last 2 days, we used a public key system (Diffie-Hellman).


Our team encrypted and decrypted our messages by counting how many times a line in a letter met with another line/how many “vertices” in the letter. For example, the letter A has 3 points when 2 lines meet. That was the first number. The second number was how many times the number had already appeared before. Since A is the first letter that has 3, we add a 1 behind it so A equals 31. Then we used addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication signs to figure out the numbers in our code. That is how we encrypted our code.

Numeral Encryptors- 33

Numeral Encrypters
by: Arjun, Krish, Keegan, Jack, Josh, Sofia

We authenticated our messages our messages when we put the information on the spreadsheet, where we knew that the Eaves couldn’t change it.
On the last day, we earned the most amount of points: 18. We ended up with a total of 33 points.
For the key system, we used both public and private.  We used public in the sense that we used Diffie Hellman Exchange but we also used our old code in our EDN where we used a chart and had different letters that meant different numbers in each column.
First, the Alices would encrypt the P, G and their secret number in our old code. Then the Bobs would do all the math and find the shift number. Next, they would send the encrypted shift number on the spreadsheet to the Alices. While this is happening the eves get the box. After that, the Alices would shift the code and send it on the spreadsheet. By that time the box should have arrived at the Bobs and the Bobs would open the box.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Credit Card & Bank Info

Credit Card and Bank Information
By: Tyler H, Trent H. Allen B, Andrew Z, Rohin K, Megan Z, and Michelle L

Today’s Setting
Today, we have a more secure credit card system, but before and still now, many hackers hacked into people’s credit cards, causing many problems for the people who used that card.

Hackers before can steal your credit card and bank information, and they still can today. They make charges with your money in your bank or on your credit card. Cryptography can help to strengthen those codes so hackers can’t break into other people’s information.                                                             
Now, however, we have EMV credit cards that use chips, which are much more secure that than the old metal strip.  EMV uses a metal chip (as shown below), which is uses a unique signal every time it is used. (you can read more about the metal strip below)



How Does relate to Cryptography?
Well as you know, hackers can crack easy codes or hard codes. For that reason, if banks have harder cryptography codes to crack, it will be harder for the hackers to crack and they will not get the credit card or bank info as fast. Many banks have really hard cryptography codes, to protect their user’s accounts.

You can get jobs and other in this and help keep credit information safe. People make code better and more difficult to crack and nobody can get in. Cryptologists fix other code and keep us safe. Credit companies make sure they keep changing and stay safe.

Flaws in Credit Card Code

One of the most popular known ways of getting people's information is hacking.  The way people hack is by using a series of code to get preset bank card numbers and people's private information.  The whole cause of this is from information being preset into the websites.
This is just one example of flaw in the coding of websites.  There are many different flaws that hackers have discovered to hack and use people's private information.

Some more ways that people get other peoples information are spoofing where hackers  using fake websites and emails for credit card information, phishing where calling businesses acting like a bank to receive credit cards, and skimming where when hackers put credit card readers in gas pumps and ATMs to get the magnetic strips on cards.

These are just some of the flaws in the everyday world that hackers use to get bank and credit card information. (See the metal (strip below)
Source of image
Our credit information is safe and it is getting safer every day. Many cryptologists have changed and made the code better so people can keep more of their credit card info safe. Cryptologists are fixing a flaw in the code and trying to change more people to the chip reader.
We still need more Cryptographers to help secure everybody’s credit cards and bank information. There are many jobs for cryptographers. Your career could be cryptography. You can join other cryptographers to help secure people’s information.

Cell Phone Security

Cell Phone Security
Michael C.
Andrew K.
Anya G.
Olivia A.
Mateo S.
Jude J.
Charlie I.
Over the years, cell phone security has improved greatly. Even though there are still many accounts that are hacked, they are doing things to prevent this is they have created a face and voice recognition. They also have this new features to cell phones have lessened the amount of hacked phones.
According to Cell Phone Hacking: More Serious Than you Think, it says “During this year over a billion cell phones were hacked because of lack of a secure password or no password at all.” This proves that people need better security on their devices.
There are four main ways to figure out that your phone/or other devices are being hacked.
1. If your phone lights up on its own even if you're not on it.
2. If it makes weird sounds during a phone call.
3. If your phone gets super hot.
4. If you are charged double or triple for every call/text you make.
The longer or more complex the better. You should avoid your password being a common street name, common last name, or 1 or 2 numbers or using easy-to guess passwords. A way to prevent people getting into your account is by changing passwords frequently.
Another way to prevent hacking is not to download any sketchy apps. It’s tough to tell the difference between a good and bad app. Since so many people are creating mobile apps, sometimes we see unsophisticated apps that could leak your online privacy through bad privacy practices or careless coding. Only download applications from sites you trust, and you should only download apps after checking their ratings and reviews.
There are many ways to prevent getting your phone hacked. Starting with, don’t click on unknown websites or staying off of unknown websites. Don’t use public wifis and especially don’t purchase anything on public wifis. If you put your password in on anything while using public wifi, you are more likely to get hacker.
Cell phone hacks can majorly affect our society. Now with new advances in technology people put their credit cards and personal information stored on their phones. So with one hack someones credit can be used however they want. Your personal information can also be hacked such as your social security number so your identity could be faked. So your entire life could be taken over by a hacker. Fortunately, security has improved over the years and it has helped prevent most hacking.Image result for iphone 7
This also affects society because if someone gets your security/credit card number, they might use all the money and nothing will be left for the things you need. Such as groceries, gas, etc. So in other words with one hack, it can change the rest of your life.
There many ways your cell phone can be hacked including the simplest way a phone camera hole.  For example, clicking on unknown websites can lead to someone hacking your account. If you send a link in a text message and the person you send it to clicks on it, the person who texts them can see through their camera hole. If your cell phone is being hacked, one way you can stop that progressing is by installing anti-virus applications.
Here are 5 steps to hack from the website “Cell Phone Hacking: More Serious Than you Think.” “Hacking most phones is completed in simple, easy to understand steps. However, there are Spy mobile programs that do all the work in less time.”

  1. “Acquire the cell phone iPhone IP address. Use the content configuration information to connect to a sftp. Host name is (sftp), username (root) and password is (alpine). This is the most crucial step in setting up the hacking platform.”
  2. “Chances are an unknown host key might pop up. This is to be expected. The message reads something like this: You have no guarantee the server is the computer you believe, trust this host and carry on connecting? Do not worry though, just ignore the message and press ok or enter to proceed.”
  3. “This step brings up the entire directory listing. Once inside the directory, everything on the phone is visible. What programs are listed, their root extensions, the sizes of the files and more.”
  4. “In this step, try to locate the directory which contains the SMS data. This may read something like: /private/var/mobile/library/SMS. Now once the file is in clear view proceed to downloading the phone’s SMS file, which reads: sms.db.”
5.“This is where the hard work pays off. In this step, commence to opening the iphone's sms database. This is accomplished by using a popular SQLite browser. Now select the message on the table that says “HOPP.”

Recent Security Breaches

Recent Security Breaches
By: Declan O’, Sophia C, Sharon F, Lexi L, Pearce B, Euan J, and Gus F

As many of you should know, hackers are dangerous to the world of technology.
But what exactly is a hacker? A hacker is a person that illegally tries to gain access
to unauthorized information. With the advancement of technology, hackers are able
to hack into large breaches of data instead of just hacking people one by one. This
can be very harmful to the customers, stock market, and businesses. Nowadays, we
have security officers just to help lower the damage hackers can do and to keep us
and our information safe.

What can Hackers Do?

A list of  things that hackers can do are:
  • Obtain and hijack information such as your Social Security number, names, addresses
  • , birthdays, passwords, usernames, and more
  • Sell your personal information for money
  • Create counterfeit, or fake accounts using your information
  • Use information for blackmailing
  • Make purchases with your money
  • Abuse and use your Social Security number
  • Shut down websites
  • Create “online traffic jams”
Why Do Hackers Do This?

Why do hackers want to cause so much disruption? Instead of looking at hacking
as a threat to the economy, some hackers think of it as more of a hobby and do it
for the enjoyment and for the adrenaline rush of being able to hack into a system.
Hackers also hack to steal information that could be important and crucial to
people. Additionally, they also hack to leak and spread information to undermine
rivaling businesses. One reason they are able to do this are by guessing easy and
simple passwords many people use, which leads us into our next topic.

How to Keep Your Password Safe
Keeping your password safe is very important. Don't use your same password for
many different websites. And don’t use passwords like “password” because people
can easily guess that and then hack you. Some bad passwords include birthdays,
dog’s names, simple, or often used passwords like “123456”. They can take
control over your money and possessions, and you can be in big trouble if they get
your password, so it is important to keep your password protected.
To make safe passwords you can include lowercase and uppercase letters. You can
also use numbers, and symbols like dollar signs, hashtags, and asterisks. Also, you
can make your password longer, but try to remember it!

Recent Security Breaches
There have been many recent security breaches that have impacted many people.
One example of a recent security breach is Target. In the winter of 2013, Target
suffered from a large data hack. The hackers could obtain much as $10,000. The
breach caused as many as 40 million credit and debit cards to be impacted, but that
number grew to 70 million.
Other companies like Yahoo and Equifax recently suffered from large data breach
attacks at similar numbers of costs and number of cards and people impacted.
Equifax is a banking company, and when it got hacked, even people that don’t use
Equifax still were  in danger of getting information leaked. Almost half the U.S.
was impacted by this. Yahoo had all 3 billion people that used it getting
information stolen this year. It was recorded as the biggest hack in history!
You should keep your password safe in order to protect yourself from hackers.

How to Stop Hackers
You can’t exactly stop hackers, but you can prevent them for using your
information. Ways you can monitor your accounts are by checking them daily.
You will be able to tell to see if things have been bought on your credit card that
you or your family did not buy. You also can see if things have changed a lot to see
if someone else had been on your account. You also can have different and random
passcodes that you will remember and the hackers will not.

There is No Flaw in the Code

No one can crack this code. Because of the great advancement of technology
we have today, no one can stop the hackers from hacking because we haven't
found a solution and a way to prevent people from hacking the code. But,
everyday people are making advancements and finding new ways to make codes
better. So, we can only prevent people from accessing information.
Image result for cryptography

When do we Use Cryptography?

We use cryptography when we are trying to keep information safe and secure.
When people are trying to keep information safe,  they normally appoint a chief
information security officer or create different firewalls to keep people  from
viewing the information. People also use cryptography/encryption when making a
mobile phone call.


In conclusion, it is definitely safe to say that modern day hackers are dangerous.
It is impossibly hard to stop hackers, but they are still a threat to businesses and
people today. They can leak personal information, shut down websites,
and create fake IDs using your name. Cryptography and encryption is still
important today because you need to have uncrackable codes to stay safe and
away from hackers who could be a potential threat to you.


       -   Silicon Valleys Explanation

Super Secret Secret Agents - 33

Super Secret Secret Agents- 33 Authentication : The Alices sent all of the important information on the document, but only after the Bo...